The Healing Place of Cottage Grove
Monthly VIP Plan
The Healing Place of Cottage Grove
Wellness Subscription
The wellness plan is a monthly commitment to your health. This is a way to keep a promise of self care and help keep the symptoms of stress at bay.
By joining our plan, you will receive a discounted price on your massage every month. The program allows for automatic payments for your 1st massage of the month and you can pay at the time of your visit for your massages after the first one. We don’t have a use it or lose it, if you are unable to make your monthly massage you can share it with a family member or bank for the next month. You can join by asking your therapist for a Wellness Plan form when you come in for your next appointment.
You can choose to join our 60 or 90 minute program (yes, that is a full 60 or 90 minute, not 50 or 80 minutes like the franchise massage), and there is no commitment past 3 months. Some clients have been part of our wellness plan for years along with our Massage Therapists, who have an average of 5 years working at The Healing Place of Cottage Grove. There is no 12 month contract to force you to continue the plan if it isn’t working for you.
Join today! Ask your therapist for a form and begin your journey to wellness.
One 60 minute massage $75.00 / mo (Additional massages in the month are $70.00 paid at the time of session)
One 90 minute massage $95.00 / mo (Additional massages in the month are $90.00 paid at the time of session)