The Healing Place of Cottage Grove
The Healing Place of Cottage Grove
News and Facts
Exciting Student News
We are adding two Student Massage Therapists from MN School of Cosmetology. Marissa and Kendra will be offering student massages in order to gain more clinical experience. Because you will be helping them gain this valuable experience, we will be discounting every...
Pricing Update
Starting November 20th, the rate per session will change, but only by $15. Monthly Wellness prices will increase by only $10 starting Feb 1, 2022. To make it even easier to continue with all the benefits of massage, you’re welcome to stock up on sessions prior to the...
6 Healthy Actions You Can Do At Work or Home
May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month, so we are going to talk about some ways to promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by giving you simple actions you can do anywhere… especially at work. Take the stairs. Pedometers, Fitbits, and various health tools...